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Heritage Sites

Dubrovin Farm

A reconstructed farm situated at the heart of the groves of Yesud HaMa’ala, documenting the story of the community established in the days of the First Aliyah, in 1883, by orthodox Jews form Mezeric, Poland. They joined the Mizrahi brothers, who had dwelled here at the Hula Valley on the shore of the lake for 11 years and had been known as the Mei-Marom colony. The Dubrovin Family joined the community in 1909 and its fascinating story reveals the immigration of the converted Subotnicks and Proselytes to Land of Israel. Today the house serves as a museum of farmers’ life during the First Aliyah.

What’s at the site: an orchard of plants typical of the Land of Israel with an antilia well, an audiovisual display, an exhibit of documents from the settlement’s archive, reconstruction of the living rooms and the kitchen, the Bread Road – farmer tools, petting zoo, pottery studio, restaurant and banquet garden.

For the general public: self-tours including viewing the audiovisual display, guided tours and an introduction to the life of the pioneers and the Dubrovin Family, pre-arranged tours of the Pioneers Street at the settlement, including the old synagogue remains and the water tower.

For children: self-activities for families: creativity corner, costume corner, wheat grinding using millstone; guided tours for groups including activations, workshops and dramatization by advance booking.


צור קשר עם האתר

    Dubrovin Farm

    • Su - Th:
      10:30 - 16:00
      Fr and holiday eves:
      10:30 - 14:00
      Sa and holidays:
      10:30 - 14:00
    • Phone:
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    • Comments:

      (audiovisual display in 5 languages)


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