At the beginning of the 1930’s Yehoshua Hankin purchased an area of 6000 dunams (6 sq. km) of the lands of the Huk-a-Zaydan lands from one of the wealthiest families of Qalansuwa. Hankin named the place Kadima (“Forward”) and his plans for it combined with his great vision of settling the coastal plain. He divided the land into smaller plot of 25-30 dunams designated for planting orchards and establishing farms and thus sold 190 units. The first settlers arrived in Kadima from the first settlements and from Germany and wished to create agricultural settlement at the site. The bloody events prior to the establishment of the State of Israel created security problems and difficulties in Kadima’s development.
The Museum of the History of Kadima “Ta’am shel Pa’am” (“A taste of the old days”) was established in 2004 at the Nitzanei Hasharon school and holds documentation of Kadima from its foundation until the establishment of the State.
What’s at the site: reconstruction of the pioneers’ barracks with a display of objects from that time; reconstruction of the first water pool and photos from the beginning of settlement; an exhibition of photos of the founders; an exhibition of photos of the town’s first sites; a collection of maps and aerial photos of the town over the years.
For the general public: guided tours by advance booking.
For children: “Tools telling a story” unique activity.