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Heritage Sites

Founders' House – Binyamina

In October 1922 the pearl of the Sharon, Binyamina, was founded and named after Baron Benjamin Edmond de Rothschild. It was an example town, carefully planned following the baron’s vision. At the town’s heart stands the Founders’ House, which was donated to the community by Mend Chudkov, one of the first settlers. Today the site serves as a museum by the Society for the Preservation and Reconstruction of Binyamina. Next to museum stand the town’s first water tower, which became a post for the guards, who were defending the entire area.

What’s at the site: the Founders’ House – an authentic building with a farm courtyard and a kitchen with exhibits, photos, furniture, housewares, musical instruments and more of the period the farm; courtyard displays a wide range of work tools and agricultural equipment form the beginning of the settlement in Binyamina; the guard’s post with photos, slicks (hiding places for weapons), weapons and radio and communication equipment; the pool’s roof, which was used by the Haganah as an important signalling station during the riots of 1936-1939, offering a magnificent view of the surroundings; the “Tiferet Binyamin” synagogue, erected in 1927 by baron de Rothschild and inaugurated by Rabbi Cook; “Yad Labanim” (a memorial institute for fallen soldiers) and a monument of the Holocaust.

For the general public: guided tours of the Founders’ House and the guard’s post, a meeting with the town’s elderly and a tour around the town and its sites. A tour focusing on the late Ehud Manor, who was born in Binyamina, and a tour of the Binyamina Winery.

For children: a variety of experiential activities with assignment sheets and activities in the spirit of the time, navigation games, deciphering a Morse code and more.


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    Founders' House – Binyamina

    Founders' House – Binyamina

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    אתר זה משתמש בעוגיות כדי לשפר את הפונקציונליות של האתר, לספק לך חוויית גלישה טובה יותר ולאפשר לשותפים שלנו לפרסם לך.

    מידע המפרט על השימוש בעוגיות באתר זה וכיצד ניתן לדחות אותם, ניתן לצפות במדיניות העוגיות שלנו.

    על ידי שימוש באתר זה או לחיצה על “אני מסכים”, אתה מסכים לשימוש בעוגיות.